Chronic Neck Pain

by | Apr 26, 2018 | From The Blog | 0 comments

Chronic Neck Pain 

How to identify, treat and manage neck pain 


Complaints around the neck and neck pain is what we see so commonly in the clinic. Neck pain can arise for many different reasons, and a multi-faceted approach is usually needed to get to the bottom of the discomfort/ lack of range of motion/ pain/ loss of strength and inability to function to the best of your ability. Many people suffer from chronic bouts of neck pain, with impairments persisting even after symptoms have resolved, hence, the importance of treatment and functional rehabilitation being undertaken.

Neck pain can arise from the spine itself, the muscles, ligaments or joints, and a huge factor of ongoing neck pain is the way in which the neck is biomechanically operating, often with dysfunctions of the ways in which the muscles are actually being used, or not used. Onset may be sudden (trauma or abnormal movement), or delayed such as following trauma, but often insidious resulting from repetitive movements or prolonged abnormal postures, movements or dysfunctional movement patterns.


How do we get to the bottom of your neck pain?

  • Thorough assessment of your neck & surrounding areas to determine what’s going on
  • Movement assessment
  • Combination of myofascial release, deep tissue techniques, dry needling, joint mobilisations, stretching, active and passive release, Functional Movement exercise prescription and home care determined for you- the individual
  • Reduce muscular pain, spasm and discomfort through the upper body and cervical spine
  • De-sensitise the nervous system, which helps decrease the amount of pain and discomfort being perceived.
  • Improve the joint articulation and mobility to increase the range of motion and fluidity of movement within your neck and shoulder joints
  • Improve function globally throughout the body by identifying how the other regions of the body may be compensating and contributing to faulty movement patterns leading to increased pain and dysfunction of the cervical spine and upper limb.
  • A clear plan including how to re-strengthen and re-calibrate the upper body to support the cervical spine.


What can you do to reduce your neck pain?

  • Movement! Exercise within the range that feels comfortable, gentle movements and stretching are paramount to moving forward on your journey to better health, decreased pain and increased movement.
  • Desk Bound? Change up your positions regularly. Sit, stand, move around, walk around the office, take regular stretching intervals, and ensure you’re not stuck in the one prolonged posture for long.
  • Self massage, and heat packs.
  • Spiky ball the upper back, in between shoulder blades and the upper traps for muscular release around the area


Need some more help with the management of your neck pain? Book online, or call 9917 2408 for an appointment at either our Brunswick East or South Melbourne clinics.



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